In its capacity as data controller, AGRI TUBE EXTRUSION A.T.E., a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint stock company) registered in the Laval Trade and Companies Register under number 433 746 260 and having its registered office at 64, rue de la Libération, 53200 Château-Gontier-sur-Mayenne (hereinafter referred to as “ATE” or “we”) attaches the utmost importance to protecting the personal data of (i) its customers, (ii) the users of its website (https://www., hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) and (iii) influencers we meet at trade events (hereinafter referred to together as “you” or “your”).

We collect your personal data fairly, lawfully and transparently. Your data, collected in this way, is proportionate to the purposes of the various processing operations that we carry out.

In order to provide you with clear and transparent information on how your personal data is collected, stored and processed, we invite you to read this privacy policy (hereinafter the “Policy”) carefully.

ARTICLE 1 : Personal data: what is it?

Personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data” or “Data”) is information that enables you to be identified, whether directly or indirectly. This may include your first name, surname, age, postal address, email address, IP address, etc.

ARTICLE 2 : Why do we use your Personal Data and how long do we keep it?

The table below sets out the reasons why we process your Personal Data (purposes), the reasons for processing (legal basis) and the period for which we use it (retention period).

Processing Customer Data

GoalsLegal basisShelf life
Management of commercial and contractual relations with customers (contracts, orders, deliveries)Performance of the contractData relating to contracts (paper format), bank documents and commercial correspondence are kept for the duration of the contractual relationship, and are then archived for 5 years.
Data relating to contracts concluded electronically is kept for the duration of the contractual relationship, and then archived for 10 years.
Carrying out satisfaction surveysOur legitimate interest in improving our products and servicesDuration necessary to achieve the purpose of the survey or until you exercise your right to object
Claims managementPerformance of the contractDuration of the contractual relationship
Managing our accounting obligationsLegal obligationThe Data is kept for the duration of the exercise, then archived for a period of 10 years.
Litigation managementOur legitimate interest in gathering evidence in the event of litigationThe Data is kept for the duration of the dispute, then archived for the duration of the applicable legal statute of limitations.

Processing of Site user data

GoalsLegal basisShelf life
Managing and responding to contact requests from users of the SiteConsentThis period is necessary to respond to your request. We then archive your Personal Data for a period of 3 years in order to prevent any dispute.
Distribution of our newsletterConsent3 years from your last contact with us, or until you unsubscribe from the newsletter.
Management of the Site and your browsing on the Site through the use of cookiesOur legitimate interest in ensuring the smooth running of the Site and your browsing experienceYour Data is kept for a period not exceeding 25 months.
Statistics on the audience and use of the SiteConsentYour Data is kept for a period not exceeding 25 months.

Processing prescriber data

GoalsLegal basisShelf life
Sending institutional and commercial documentation to professional specifiersLegitimate interest in contacting professionals in the construction sector (architects, technical design offices, construction economists, project managers, builders, public contracting authorities, inspection offices).3 years from your last contact with us, or until you exercise your right to object

ARTICLE 3 : What Personal Data do we collect?

For customers

When you are party to a contract with ATECivility, surname, first name, customer ID, job title, company, company postal address, business contact details, invoices, order history and any Personal Data contained in our exchanges.
When you respond to a satisfaction surveySurname, first name, customer ID, and any data contained in your response to the satisfaction survey.
When you make a complaint or take legal actionSurname, first name, customer ID, any data contained in your complaint, any data collected in connection with the dispute.
Managing our accounting obligationsAddress, surname, first name, job title, company, company postal address, business contact details, invoice, accounting data.

For users of the Site

When you contact usYour surname, first name, email address, company, telephone number, town, status as a professional or private individual, and any data contained in the message you send us
When you subscribe to our newsletterYour email address, name and postcode
When you use the SiteNavigation data relating to your use of the Site.

For professional specifiers

When you fill in a contact form to receive documentationYour surname, first name, company name, business sector, job title, project, company postal address, business telephone number, business email address, city of the trade event, date of the trade event.

ARTICLE 4 : Who receives your Personal Data?

Your Personal Data is passed on within our various departments (in particular the sales department and the IT department), to the only persons authorised, by virtue of their position, to process it.

It is also transmitted to our external service providers (such as our logistics service providers, our web service provider, etc.), acting in our name and on our behalf, only when they need this information in order to perform their services, in particular in order to provide you with the services offered on the Site. We ensure that these third parties provide the necessary guarantees to ensure the security and confidentiality of your Personal Data.

We may also be required, by virtue of a legal obligation, to transmit your Personal Data to an administrative authority or an authorised public body (e.g. tax authorities).

ARTICLE 5: Is your Personal Data transferred outside the European Union?

As a matter of principle, we only process your Personal Data within the European Union.

However, we may transfer your Personal Data to external recipients who may be located in countries offering different levels of Personal Data protection. Where this is the case, we undertake to ensure that appropriate safeguards are put in place, such as signing the standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission, accompanied if necessary by additional measures to ensure their effectiveness.

You can request more information on the guarantees put in place by contacting us at the email address indicated in article 6 below.

ARTICLE 6: What are your rights regarding your Personal Data?

In accordance with current regulations, you have the right to access, rectify or request the deletion of your Personal Data. You may also request that the processing of your Personal Data be restricted, or object to the processing of your Personal Data.

In certain circumstances, you also have the right to the portability of your Personal Data.

You also have the right to define general or specific directives concerning the fate of your Personal Data after your death. Specific directives may be registered directly with us. General directives may be registered with a trusted third party certified by the CNIL. You may modify or delete these directives at any time.

You may also withdraw your consent to receive our newsletter at any time.

You can exercise your rights by contacting us at the following email address: Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

In the interests of confidentiality and the protection of your Personal Data, we will need to identify you in order to respond to your request. To this end, if there are reasonable doubts about your identity, you may be asked to provide a copy of an identity document in support of your request.

If you consider that we are not respecting our obligations or your rights with regard to your Personal Data, you may lodge a complaint with the CNIL, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

ARTICLE 7 : Modification of the confidentiality policy

The site editor reserves the right to modify this Policy in order to ensure that it complies with current legislation.

Consequently, users are invited to consult this Policy regularly to keep abreast of the latest changes.

Date of last Policy update: 30/05/2024