Building drainage or Foundation drainage.
Why bad building drainage have lots of consequences?
The aim of building drainage or often called foundation drainage is to take off excess water in the subsoil as it causes for water to accumulate at the bottom of foundation or below that base plate.
Numerous impacts can affect your construction and some of them can be dangerous. So it is important to install a good drainge system around the building in addition to the waterproofing of buried walls.

A bad building drainage added to a poor waterproofing will cause :
Capillary rising damp will have following consequences:
- Moisture
- Infiltrations
Hydrostatic pushes will have also consequences:
- Cracks
Efficient building drainage with batifibre solution:
BATIFIBRE is an innovative solution for building drainage, easy and economical to install
BATIFIBRE replaces the conventional system of a bare pipe layed out with gravel and geotextile.
Installed around house foundation, Batifibre evacuates subsoiled waters, eliminates water stagnation, hydrostatic pressures as well as capillary rising water.
- It is the solution for building drainage to guarantee a saine and durable construction.
- BATIFIBRE technology has been installed for more than 10 years now and it has a Technical Advice.
For more explanation to know how to install Batifibre without gravel, watch the video:
Depending of the nature of the soil, it is also important to choose correctly your draining solution.
To do so, ATE’s specialists team will help you in your project, do not hesistate to contact us.